Fixed Internet

There are 3 products.

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4G Box Pro

You are immediately connected without interruption and wherever you are! Immediately connected .. continuously without interruption .. and on the move Safety and control!

Fixe Jdid Pro

Take advantage of the Fixed Jdid Pro offer at 45 DT HT/month with: - A guaranteed downlink speed of 4 Mbps. - A guaranteed upstream speed of 1 Mbps. - An unlimited internet connection.


Ooredoo offers you a portfolio of ADSL offers with a range of services meeting the needs of professionals - The maximum internet speed supported by your ADSL line (up to 20 Mbps) - A 3G backup with an annual plan of 10 GB - A fixed IP address allowing you to access your applications remotely. - A national domain name. - A professional messaging solution: 3 accounts
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